Tuesday, February 16, 2010

C U P C A K E S anyone?

Who doesn't love cupcakes....a little bite of yummy-ness! It's good for me because otherwise I will eat the whole cake! I love buttercream icing! My sister is the Queen of Cupcakes! Hers are rather tasty and so moist! I love how cupcakes can be decorated in themes and actually turned into cute little animals, food items and such! My mother bought a book for my sister one time that has so many cool ideas in it for decoration. Have you seen the ones that look like mashed potatoes, hamburger and types of foods that typically don't look like they are a cupcake. Kind of messes with your mind! Crazy! Well, I don't usually bake cupcakes much but I sure make "paper cupcakes" alot! People love them in tag form too!

I have a few gift tags to share that are cupcake inspired....I love to go on the internet and search "cupcakes" then click on images and see all the different ones that pop up! Fun past time activity if you have a few minutes to spare ha ha! Mine is usually late at night since I am a night owl.....so anywhooo, here are a few of my cupcake tags in my Etsy shop. http://www.chocolatetulipdesign.etsy.com/ If you see a style you like but not the right colors I can always customize! I love doing special orders! As you can see in one of the photos, I did do a custom order. That was a fun order for a 1 year old birthday party and she wanted some tags with lollipops too.....Thanks for taking a peek!

Have you ever taken a famous quote and inserted a word in it to change it a bit?? Fun little thing to do.....so I leave you with....."Give me Liberty, or give me a Cupcake!"


  1. Those are adorable Chrissy! You are so creative!

  2. Congrats on all your Etsy sales! :) I was visiting your store. Also I found the cutest little cupcake acrylic stamp at JoAnn's for $1! I know the JoAnn in Tulsa does NOT have a big selection.. but down here in TX we have a SUPER JoAnn's with tons of scrap stuff! Come down and visit me for a shopping spree! :)
