Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Do over Day?

So it's only 11 am which is pretty early for us night owl's LOL!  No seriously, this day has not started out well and that was by 10:00 this morning.  I will spare you the little details.  But let's just say I'm a perfectionist and absolutely adore Martha Stewart which ought to tell you something.  I DISLIKE making mistakes or not doing things perfect and we'll just leave it at that!  LOL!  Hey, I can admit that I make mistakes IF I make one ;o)) but definitely don't like it happening......and then my silly iphone is so sensitive....don't you just love when you accidently hit "delete" and didn't intend too or hit "send" and didn't intend too!  Ugh....yea so a couple of things like that this morning.....so I'm just going to make my day a "DO OVER DAY" officially starting now!  I so have to complete some orders for Etsy.....check these cuties out....
and then do some "mom" duties before the kids get home!  So, I'm outta here all!  Be sure and say "hi" if you stop by....thanks for reading the blog!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where did I leave my Polka Dot Bow?

Okay, i admit it!  i'm a girlie girl and love accessories and one of them is bows!  i am a product of the '80's and we had BIG hair and we wore bows alot!  i'm so happy my daughter is 17 and still wears her bows! LOL!  But, you gotta love Minnie and her classic polka dot bows!  She wears a red one and a hot pink one.  Featured here, of course, is the hot pink style!  Aren't these the cutest?  i can't keep them in my Etsy Shop which is a "good thing"!  i have decided to start showcasing and photographing my tags literally attached to a gift bag in the shop....what do you think?  Helps one visualize don't you think?  Take a peek at more pics of Minnie here.  Hey, and did you know that bows are making a come back?  Yes, they are!  On clips and headbands yeaaaaa....i'm thinking i'm going to need me some!  All this talk makes me want to have some girl shoppin' time!  Wanna go?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yes, I have a Sweet Tooth

So i have sweets on the brain and cannot get "desserts" out of my mind.....one of my favorite things is ANYTHING chocolate for heaven sakes! LOL!  So this dessert comes to mind that my son had on his birthday....take a looksy!  Can you believe that?  That thing was amazing and i think he had several different types of chocolate candies on it! YUMMmmm!  Oh and i do think i see "A" banana on it! LOL!  Sort of like an afterthought!  Well, maybe i will sneak me some ice cream later tonight don't tell...it is one of my favs.  In the meantime i have some yummy treats in my Etsy shop....you should take a peek!  Like these:

Find more here:  http://www.chocolatetulipdesign.etsy.com/

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cyber Savvy wanna be that's me

Okay, so i made a blog a year ago because i think it is really cool!  i love the idea of it and that it is a place to go and share just about anything.  But, here's the deal, all this cyber space techno stuff is kind of crazy and overwhelming to keep up with for those of us who are the artsy, creative-minded peeps.  i definitely have fun doing it while i am FBing, tweeting, and tryin' to be a blogger LOL!  But, i cannot seem to manage the time because before I know it an hour has gone by in my precious "timed" world of beating the clock.  i love the idea of being in that world to help Chocolatetulipdesign get off the ground and to stay in touch with old friends and make new friends....but it seems to be kickin' my booty on keeping up! LOL!  So, here is my attempt to get back in the game of blogging....the big question i have is how to get "followers" in the blog and tweet world and in some cases the ones you want.  Cyber world also kind of weirds me out with "creepers" do i dare say that for those of you creepin' on me ha ha your busted!! JK!!  Anywhooo, anyone have tips on creating a following base for those of you who do blog and tweet?  What is it that they want?  So, if you are here reading this and have some sound & witty advice on the subject i would love to hear it!