Friday, August 6, 2010

Cyber Savvy wanna be that's me

Okay, so i made a blog a year ago because i think it is really cool!  i love the idea of it and that it is a place to go and share just about anything.  But, here's the deal, all this cyber space techno stuff is kind of crazy and overwhelming to keep up with for those of us who are the artsy, creative-minded peeps.  i definitely have fun doing it while i am FBing, tweeting, and tryin' to be a blogger LOL!  But, i cannot seem to manage the time because before I know it an hour has gone by in my precious "timed" world of beating the clock.  i love the idea of being in that world to help Chocolatetulipdesign get off the ground and to stay in touch with old friends and make new friends....but it seems to be kickin' my booty on keeping up! LOL!  So, here is my attempt to get back in the game of blogging....the big question i have is how to get "followers" in the blog and tweet world and in some cases the ones you want.  Cyber world also kind of weirds me out with "creepers" do i dare say that for those of you creepin' on me ha ha your busted!! JK!!  Anywhooo, anyone have tips on creating a following base for those of you who do blog and tweet?  What is it that they want?  So, if you are here reading this and have some sound & witty advice on the subject i would love to hear it!


  1. Hey sweet lady,I hear you on the blogging. I used to be really good at until Facebook got a hold of me! LOL Good luck keeping up, it's hard when you're a busy mom!!

  2. Hi there! Thanks for posting! You are my "only" brave one so far to post ;o)) Yes, I do love FB!! It's my fav....Hey, miss seeing you on there so much must be traveling and enjoying your summer! Looking forward to getting back into a schedule...big hugs girlie!

  3. Chrissy, love the new pictures nd it's good to see you in my reader. I love your designs, so cute. I am sorry, I don't have any advice for a following...but I will be watching how it goes for you and probably asking you for advice some day when my life slows down a little or I get better at keeping up!
