Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Do over Day?

So it's only 11 am which is pretty early for us night owl's LOL!  No seriously, this day has not started out well and that was by 10:00 this morning.  I will spare you the little details.  But let's just say I'm a perfectionist and absolutely adore Martha Stewart which ought to tell you something.  I DISLIKE making mistakes or not doing things perfect and we'll just leave it at that!  LOL!  Hey, I can admit that I make mistakes IF I make one ;o)) but definitely don't like it happening......and then my silly iphone is so sensitive....don't you just love when you accidently hit "delete" and didn't intend too or hit "send" and didn't intend too!  Ugh....yea so a couple of things like that this morning.....so I'm just going to make my day a "DO OVER DAY" officially starting now!  I so have to complete some orders for Etsy.....check these cuties out....
and then do some "mom" duties before the kids get home!  So, I'm outta here all!  Be sure and say "hi" if you stop by....thanks for reading the blog!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where did I leave my Polka Dot Bow?

Okay, i admit it!  i'm a girlie girl and love accessories and one of them is bows!  i am a product of the '80's and we had BIG hair and we wore bows alot!  i'm so happy my daughter is 17 and still wears her bows! LOL!  But, you gotta love Minnie and her classic polka dot bows!  She wears a red one and a hot pink one.  Featured here, of course, is the hot pink style!  Aren't these the cutest?  i can't keep them in my Etsy Shop which is a "good thing"!  i have decided to start showcasing and photographing my tags literally attached to a gift bag in the shop....what do you think?  Helps one visualize don't you think?  Take a peek at more pics of Minnie here.  Hey, and did you know that bows are making a come back?  Yes, they are!  On clips and headbands yeaaaaa....i'm thinking i'm going to need me some!  All this talk makes me want to have some girl shoppin' time!  Wanna go?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yes, I have a Sweet Tooth

So i have sweets on the brain and cannot get "desserts" out of my mind.....one of my favorite things is ANYTHING chocolate for heaven sakes! LOL!  So this dessert comes to mind that my son had on his birthday....take a looksy!  Can you believe that?  That thing was amazing and i think he had several different types of chocolate candies on it! YUMMmmm!  Oh and i do think i see "A" banana on it! LOL!  Sort of like an afterthought!  Well, maybe i will sneak me some ice cream later tonight don't tell...it is one of my favs.  In the meantime i have some yummy treats in my Etsy shop....you should take a peek!  Like these:

Find more here:  http://www.chocolatetulipdesign.etsy.com/

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cyber Savvy wanna be that's me

Okay, so i made a blog a year ago because i think it is really cool!  i love the idea of it and that it is a place to go and share just about anything.  But, here's the deal, all this cyber space techno stuff is kind of crazy and overwhelming to keep up with for those of us who are the artsy, creative-minded peeps.  i definitely have fun doing it while i am FBing, tweeting, and tryin' to be a blogger LOL!  But, i cannot seem to manage the time because before I know it an hour has gone by in my precious "timed" world of beating the clock.  i love the idea of being in that world to help Chocolatetulipdesign get off the ground and to stay in touch with old friends and make new friends....but it seems to be kickin' my booty on keeping up! LOL!  So, here is my attempt to get back in the game of blogging....the big question i have is how to get "followers" in the blog and tweet world and in some cases the ones you want.  Cyber world also kind of weirds me out with "creepers" do i dare say that for those of you creepin' on me ha ha your busted!! JK!!  Anywhooo, anyone have tips on creating a following base for those of you who do blog and tweet?  What is it that they want?  So, if you are here reading this and have some sound & witty advice on the subject i would love to hear it!

Monday, April 5, 2010

S P R I N G has S P R U N G!

So this is one happy girl.....Spring has arrived and I have enjoyed getting out in my flower beds and preparing the yard for some summertime fun in the pool.....now that my beds have been "spring cleaned" out I can start planting my flower pots! So I thought I would share some of my flower pots that I planted under the back porch just in case there is some "freakish" last minute frost they would be protected! Oh please no!!
One of my favorite colors RED....I love impatience....funny name huh? I guess these little pretties suit me just fine as I am challenged by being "impatient" sometimes LOL!

I definitely love me some pretty Marigolds....these are the most hardy flowers and they can withstand our HOT southern summers!

And lastly, some sweet tags in my Etsy shop that adorn some cute little daisies! Are you the QUEEN of your domain or know someone who is?.....these little sweeties are perfect to adorn a gift bag, a scrapbook page or a party favor bag just to name a few.....check them out in my shop www.chocolatetulipdesign.etsy.com thanks for stopping by.....toodles for now!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Hey so Happy Friday! i went outside this morning because the beautiful sun was calling my name... i am so much more productive when the sun is shining and the truth of the matter is i would much rather be outside diggin' in the dirt and creating my art in the flower beds. So, check out who is already taking a dip in the pool....eek! Awwww, he's harmless! Not anything like the water snake we had visit last May...he was approximately 4 ft. long! But, that's another story! Maybe i should post photos of that....scaaaary! But, anywhoooo, this little guy was basking in the sun already in the pool today. i am really in the spring cleaning mood. i have my list already going and it is really getting long! But, i think i will go out and clean out my front flower beds today....things haven't been so great lately and it takes my mind to another place. Very theraputic for me....my tulips are starting to come up ( my faaaavorite flower). i have forgotten what color I planted so I'm anxious to see. Well, guess i will go get my boots on and head out. Please come soon Spring....i miss you!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

C U P C A K E S anyone?

Who doesn't love cupcakes....a little bite of yummy-ness! It's good for me because otherwise I will eat the whole cake! I love buttercream icing! My sister is the Queen of Cupcakes! Hers are rather tasty and so moist! I love how cupcakes can be decorated in themes and actually turned into cute little animals, food items and such! My mother bought a book for my sister one time that has so many cool ideas in it for decoration. Have you seen the ones that look like mashed potatoes, hamburger and types of foods that typically don't look like they are a cupcake. Kind of messes with your mind! Crazy! Well, I don't usually bake cupcakes much but I sure make "paper cupcakes" alot! People love them in tag form too!

I have a few gift tags to share that are cupcake inspired....I love to go on the internet and search "cupcakes" then click on images and see all the different ones that pop up! Fun past time activity if you have a few minutes to spare ha ha! Mine is usually late at night since I am a night owl.....so anywhooo, here are a few of my cupcake tags in my Etsy shop. http://www.chocolatetulipdesign.etsy.com/ If you see a style you like but not the right colors I can always customize! I love doing special orders! As you can see in one of the photos, I did do a custom order. That was a fun order for a 1 year old birthday party and she wanted some tags with lollipops too.....Thanks for taking a peek!

Have you ever taken a famous quote and inserted a word in it to change it a bit?? Fun little thing to do.....so I leave you with....."Give me Liberty, or give me a Cupcake!"

Monday, February 15, 2010

S U N S H I N E and R I B B O N

Good Monday Morning! I know I know.....some don't like Mondays but it is actually one of my favorite days! I love Sunday and Monday back to back....Sundays start off the week with a day of rest and I'm with my family as there is no where to be accept church. Mondays are my day I am most productive! As the week wears on I get more and more pooped! ha ha

So I went into my office today and saw my cute little TJ already in there sunning and enjoying the beautiful sun pouring in the window. My office faces the southeast and I get the most beautiful sun in the morning, that is if it is out....it has definitely been a dreary, snowy January & February here and I am soooo ready for spring already! I am not a fan of cold weather at all! But, anyone who knows me knows that! I go straight from my UGGS to flip flops!

So, today is "design" day for my Etsy site....you can go check it out here if you have not seen my shop http://www.chocolatetulipdesign.etsy.com/ I'm thinking that I am going to design with inspiration from my ribbons today....I L O V E ribbon! It is the perfect touch to anything paper design I think! So here are some ribbons I'm designing with...aren't they scrumptious?! Definitely some of my favorite colors and best sellers....And Mr. TJ is giving the approval!

So I leave you today with this little inspiration regarding "sunshine" and ribbons in my office today....."Wherever you go,
no matter what the weather,
always bring your own sunshine."
~ Anthony J. D'Angelo

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hazelnut coffee and T I N K E R B E L L

Good morning and "clink"....today is the day I am preparing to travel. I am going to be off to a very happy, magical place! I'm so excited....there's a big hint in the photo :O) I brought this coffee mug back last year from this magical place and it inspires me so much everytime I get it out and sip on coffee as I mull over designs. I actually created some Tinkerbell tags from inspiration attributed to this mug. They were so cute and I sold several sets on my Etsy site. If you are curious you can view them in my "sold" section at my Etsy shop http://www.chocolatetulipdesign.etsy.com/ I think when I return from the magical place I will make some Tinkerbell tags again as well as some new Disney designs....everybody loves Mickey, Minnie, Tinkerbell and well, etc, etc, etc......so I have this mile long list I need to do for real, but seem to be doing things that haven't gotten done in 6 months or more....or why do we all of the sudden think our house needs a deep cleaning before we leave. I'm not going to be here to enjoy it! And yes, it is nice to come home to a deep cleaned house but really, must I exhaust myself before I leave? Okay, I talked myself out of it....CHECK THAT ONE OFF THE LIST! ha ha! I need to get my Iphone loaded with new songs for the plane ride....I haven't done that since I got it a month ago....which will probably take me over an hour because I completely do not understand the whole iTunes thing anyway, well sort of but I end up looking at so many songs when I should just download and get off! We had a friend come over this last week and move the software to a newer computer, of which I'm deeply grateful for. All this techno stuff is over my head. I just want "people" like Marth Stewart......you know when someone says I have "people" ha ha.....ohhh in my dreams. Well, should probably go tackle my list as I will be leaving to go to the Magical Place at 4 AM in the morning. I will be getting up at 2:30AM I suppose and yes that is in the AM....this will be really great for a night owl! Toodles and until next time...."Have a magical day!"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R kind of late....nahhh

Well, typically one says "Happy New Year" at the beginning of the month of January more than the latter but it's still the first of the year and my first posting for January 2010!
Sooooo, H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!
Gosh, the year is definitely up and running out of the shoot already! Have you made your list of goals for 2010....you know I've never been one to actually write them down. I do think about them though and plant them in the brain....I should probably write them down so that I can see them as they happen! My hubby is a big planner and "writer down person"....he keeps me on track with our family goals and then reflects back at the end of the year and shares with us what we accomplished....when he does that I'm thinking WOW we did do alot. So, it does pay to "write" them down!
So let me think this year I need to dust more, you know the AC return air vents and those cob webby things that hang from the lights to the corner of your room, oh and dust the blinds, sweep and mop my tile floor more, clean out the fridge more (did I mention I got a new one for Christmas) so this is a must this year! Put those knobs on my laundry cabinets that I purchased a year ago! ha ha.....well, I'm being silly but I would like to "clean my house more on a regular basis" you know like I did in my 20's!! Where did that energy go?
No, for real, I would love to take some graphic artist classes, some cooking classes, some photography classes, and exercise more! I have gotten a catalog to the local college here to sign myself up. I still haven't decided HOW I am going to exercise...I absolutely hate going to gyms where sweaty people I don't know are using machines. I'm thinking I will try the Wii fitness program. We got one for Christmas and I here it is pretty good....any thoughts on that program? I also love to walk and will probably pick that up again and swim in our pool once it warms up! I can't wait for that! So, those are a few thoughts from me on 2010....how about you?